Kansas police plan surprise for fallen officer's bullied son (Report)



Police in Kansas City, Kansas, are planning a surprise for a fallen officer’s oldest son who was bullied at school.

Officer Mitch Kelchen from Anamosa, Iowa was killed in a car crash during Labor Day weekend when another driver crossed the center line. At Kelchen’s funeral, his oldest son collected business cards from all the officers who came to honor his father, KMBC-TV reported .

But another student ripped them up at school.

“When I saw this, I thought, ‘We need to do something for this young man,'” said Travis Toms, master patrol officer for the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department.

Now the department is collecting business cards from all over the U.S. to replace the ones destroyed. A local fine art store has offered to frame the cards for free.

“I hope he understands that he’s not alone,” Toms said. “We’re all family. So you can reach out to any of us.”

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