John Kelly 'broken hearted' by Dem rep's attacks on Trump (Report)



White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Thursday said he was “stunned” and “broken-hearted” after a condolence call President Trump made to the widow of a slain soldier turned into a public and political spectacle pitting the administration against a Democratic lawmaker. 

In a rare and emotional moment from the White House briefing room podium, Kelly condemned Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., for listening to that phone call and then criticizing the president’s tone in the press. 

“I was stunned when I came to work, when I saw what a member of Congress was doing, listened in on a phone call from the president,” Kelly told reporters. 

“It stuns me that a member of Congress would have listened in on that conversation … I thought at least that was sacred,” he said.  

On Oct. 4, four Americans were killed in an ambush near Niger. The phone call in question was made to the widow of one of those soldiers, Army Sgt. La David Johnson.

Wilson criticized Trump for allegedly saying during that phone call that “he knew what he signed up for,” claiming…




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