How to create a home inventory to be organized and prepared for emergencies (Report)



You may have heard of, or even created, a home inventory before. This record, often used to document belongings for insurance purposes, can also be a really helpful tool if you are trying to declutter, prepare for emergencies, clear space for a remodel or just get organized. Check out these tips to create a thorough home inventory and streamline your belongings at the same time.

Make Your Inventory

Choose your checklist. The first step in making a home inventory is getting your hands on a comprehensive checklist — one from your own insurance company is best. Review the checklist before getting started.

Work through your home, room by room. Following your checklist, work your way slowly through the entire house — you may want to divvy up the task over several weekends. Record a brief description of each item, how many you have, how much it cost and the year you purchased it.

Don’t leave out any nooks or crannies. Craft rooms, sheds, attics, workshops, porches and garages should all be carefully examined and documented.




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