Death From Above’s Jesse F Keeler responds to claims of links to alt-right (Report)



Death From Above member Jesse F Keeler has been forced to dismiss alleged links to the alt-right, condemning far-right figure head Gavin McInnes in the process.

A Medium post recently detailed Keeler’s alleged links to Vice co-founder McInnes, known for his controversial political views and his “pro-Western fraternal” group Proud Boys. The author pointed to Keeler’s multiple appearances on McInnes’ podcast and his present at an Election Day party with McInnes and other self-proclaimed Proud Boys.

Responding to the claims in a statement posted to Twitter, Keeler described the suggestion of him being a Proud Boys member himself as “completely false”, adding: “I would never join that group”.

“My connection to Gavin however is real,” he continued, “but begs to be clarified.” Keeler described how he “became loosely acquainted” when his band released music on McInnes’ Vice Records label. “Through the years we remained friendly and as our lives diverged, we spoke only on occasion, mostly about Dad stuff as we both have kids,” he said.

“Over time, I watched many people distance themselves from Gavin both professionally and personally. I always perceived that as people just thinking he was ‘a little much’. In short, I gave him the benefit of the doubt,” Keeler wrote.

Death From Above, 2017

Death From Above, 2017

“When he invited me to his talk-show and a party on election night last year, regrettably, I attended. Never without a morbid curiosity. Anyone who knows me, or has met me for longer than 5 minutes knows how curious I am. I never thought that my curiosity would lead to this moment, where now it feels like I’m walking through a lake of mud.”

“Soon after the election, I began noticing that Gavin was promoting violence and a form of radical politics that I absolutely do not agree with. I have always been anti-war and anti-violence….




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