Crystal Jackson: OnlyFans superstar Tiffany Poindexter says her kids were expelled from school

Crystal Jackson: OnlyFans superstar Tiffany Poindexter says her kids were expelled from school
Crystal Jackson: OnlyFans superstar Tiffany Poindexter says her kids were expelled from school

OnlyFans superstar Tiffany Poindexter’s kids have reportedly been thrown out of their school because of her content online.

Poindexter, whose real name is Crystal Jackson, told CBS13 that Sacramento’s Sacred Heart Parish School threw out her three children after her OnlyFans account became public knowledge.

“They wanted my kids removed from school, and they were successful in the very end,” Poindexter told the news outlet. You can watch the full report.

For everyone following along, Poindexter has been all over the news recently after she revealed the local moms were bullying her over her OnlyFans account, which makes her roughly $150,000 a month.

Poindexter claimed she was receiving harassing messages, religious leaders were informed and gossip groups were started.

Now, the school her children went to have allegedly escalated the situation.

Whether you support women on OnlyFans or not, going after three young children seems like a really bad way of handling the situation.

As I said yesterday, when you have a problem with someone, it’s best to address it with them privately. Either that, or learn to mind your own business.

Allegedly expelling children for the actions of their parents doesn’t seem necessary. I thought in America you were to be judged on your own merits and not the merits of your blood.


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