Home News Covid: LLCHD now vaccinating Phase 1B priority group

Covid: LLCHD now vaccinating Phase 1B priority group

Covid: LLCHD now vaccinating Phase 1B priority group
Covid: LLCHD now vaccinating Phase 1B priority group

The COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Pinnacle Bank Arena on Friday and Saturday resulted in about 5,000 Lancaster County residents receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Most of those vaccinated over the two days were residents age 75 and up and their spouses.

“We thank the thousands of residents who dressed warmly and braved the winter weather to get vaccinated over these two days,” said Health Director Pat Lopez. “It’s encouraging to see so many members of our community receiving the vaccine, which provides protection against COVID-19. We hope the high acceptance of the vaccine will continue as we receive more doses and expand vaccination to additional priority groups.” Lopez thanked the Arena staff, partners, and volunteers who worked with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department (LLCHD) to make the clinics successful.

LLCHD is now vaccinating individuals in the Phase 1B priority group, which includes individuals age 65 and up, those from age 18 to 65 with underlying conditions, and essential workers.

Other vaccination efforts this week include the following:

  • As part of LLCHD’s ongoing partnership with hospital providers, Bryan Health and Lincoln Surgical Hospital are providing vaccine by appointment through some smaller vaccine clinics to people age 65 and older with serious medical conditions that increase risk for severe illness from COVID-19 such as COPD and serious lung disease.
  • LLCHD worked with pharmacy partners to provide on-site vaccinations to residents of independent living communities this week.
  • Some first responders including adult and child protective services workers, are being vaccinated this week. Utility workers are next on the state’s priority list for essential workers, and some received the vaccine this week.

As more vaccine is available, other groups of people in Phase 1B will have the opportunity to get vaccinated.

Lancaster County residents can register to receive vaccine using the online form at COVID19.lincoln.ne.gov. While the vaccine is not yet available for the general public, as doses become available, those who are registered will receive an appointment to be vaccinated.

Registration is open to all County residents, but LLCHD says those who are in Phase 1B should register soon. LLCHD will work directly with those designated as essential workers included in Phase 1B and their employers.


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