COVID-19 UK: 106-year-old recovers from coronavirus after three week

COVID-19 UK: 106-year-old recovers from coronavirus after three week
COVID-19 UK: 106-year-old recovers from coronavirus after three week

A 106-year-old woman – believed to be Britain’s oldest Covid-19 survivor – has left hospital after shaking off coronavirus and suspected pneumonia.

Connie Titchen, who recovered from a hip operation last year, was applauded by staff at Birmingham’s City Hospital as she was discharged on Tuesday.

The grandmother-of-five and great-grandmother-of-eight, from Birmingham, battled the virus for just under three weeks before being given a clean bill of health by medical staff.

In a statement released by the Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, the retired department store sales assistant said: “I feel very lucky that I’ve fought off this virus. I can’t wait to see my family.”


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