Coronavirus UK Updates: Which areas could get a lower lockdown Tier before Christmas?

Coronavirus UK Updates: Which areas could get a lower lockdown Tier before Christmas?
Coronavirus UK Updates: Which areas could get a lower lockdown Tier before Christmas?

The number of people in the strictest tier of coronavirus restrictions looks set to grow when the Government reviews England’s measures today.

Great swathes of southern England in areas such as East Sussex and Surrey are on course to enter Tier 3 on Saturday, with limited loosening on restrictions in the North.

Ministers met on Dec 16 to review England’s tier system and decide whether any parts of the country will face tighter or looser restrictions in the run up to Christmas.

– More than half of schools in England had at least one Covid-19 infection last month

Of the 105 schools in the survey, 1.24% of pupils and 1.29% of staff tested positive for Covid-19 between November 3 and 19, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The survey also found that 27.6% of the schools had one current infection, 27.6% had between two and five current infections, and 44.8% had no current infections.


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