Coronavirus UK Updates: Weekly Covid cases exceed 4,000

Coronavirus UK Updates: Covid-19 advisor says ‘a lot’ of areas in England likely to emerge from lockdown in highest tier
Coronavirus UK Updates: Covid-19 advisor says ‘a lot’ of areas in England likely to emerge from lockdown in highest tier

More than 4,000 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in a week in the Anglia region and rate of increase is now faster than England as a whole.

A greater number of people in the region are now being tested positive than at the height of the pandemic in April but that is partly down to many more tests being conducted now.

Public Health England East says the increasing rates of infection are ’cause for concern and action.

There were 811 new coronavirus cases reported in the Anglia region on Friday and 966 cases reported on Thursday.

According to Public Health England figures, 4,074 new coronavirus cases were recorded in the Anglia region in the seven days to Tuesday 6 October. That was up from 2,235 cases the week before – an increase of 82%.

Over the same period, the number of positive tests across England increased by 62%.

Although the weekly total of positive tests in the Anglia region is now higher than the peak week of 27 April to 3 May, when there were 3,397 confirmed coronavirus cases, there were fewer tests being conducted back then.

Across the UK there were 1.8 million tests were carried out in the week to 4 October compared to 400,000 conducted nationally in the week to 3 May.

Hospital admissions are also rising in the Anglia region but there are far fewer people being treated in the East of England than across the UK.


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