Coronavirus UK Updates: Liverpool intensive care at 90 percent capacity

Coronavirus UK Updates: Liverpool intensive care at 90 percent capacity
Coronavirus UK Updates: Liverpool intensive care at 90 percent capacity

Councillor Paul Brant, cabinet member for adult health and social care at Liverpool City Council, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Our intensive, critical care beds are filling up very fast.

“The most recent figures I’ve seen suggest they are over 90 percent full and our acute hospital trusts have occupancy levels of Covid-positive patients of over 250.

“At the current rate of increase, we would expect Liverpool to surpass the peak of the first wave probably within the next seven to 10 days.”

On the intensive care situation, he added: “They are not all Covid patients, I should say, but they are running very full and they are running with an increasing number of people who are Covid-positive.”

He added: “It has become clear that the intensity of the demand on hospital services here in Liverpool is crowding out anything other than dealing with Covid.”


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