Coronavirus UK Update: Eight deaths reported at Waterloo care home

Coronavirus UK Update: Eight deaths reported at Waterloo care home
Coronavirus UK Update: Eight deaths reported at Waterloo care home

Eight people have died with suspected coronavirus at Green Heys Care Home in Waterloo, Merseyside, bosses said. Mark Adams, chief executive officer for Community Integrated Care, which runs the home said: “As soon as an outbreak developed at Green Heys Care Home, we were able to respond swiftly and robustly.

“I have been astounded by the incredible efforts and professionalism of the staff team, who have done their utmost to support residents, families and each other through this incredibly challenging time.

“It is with great sadness that we have lost eight people supported at the home to suspected coronavirus.

“Whilst this is a devastating number, it may have been higher had it not been for the dedicated and selfless response of our team, who have exemplified the commitment, bravery and skill, that exists within the social care workforce.”


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