Chocolate factory spill in Germany (Photo)

Chocolate factory spill in Germany (Photo)
Chocolate factory spill in Germany (Photo)

Oh, the humanity. Germany has just suffered one of the most delicious industrial spills in the world, and Twitter is eager to give it a try.

Earlier this week in Werl, Germany, a “small technical defect” in Westönnen’s DreiMeister chocolate factory brought a ton of milk chocolate out into the streets, according to The Guardian. The sugary confection soon froze to the road, posing an incredibly dangerous risk to drivers. Around two dozen firefighters were dispatched to take out the sugary mess with shovels, hot water, and torches.

Sadly, initial reports fail to disclose whether responding officers were allowed to eat the chocolate when they were done with all the hard work. Hopefully, news reporters covering the story will be given a complimentary slice.


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