China's Communist Party inserts Xi into party constitution (Report)



China’s ruling Communist Party amended its constitution to add President Xi Jinping’s name and ideology Tuesday in an extension of his formidable political sway.

Xi’s concept of “socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era” was added to the party constitution at the close of a twice-a-decade major congress.

“The Chinese people and nation have a great and bright future ahead,” Xi told party delegates as the meeting came to a close.

“At this great time, we feel more self-confident and proud. At the same time, we also deeply feel a heavy sense of responsibility,” he said.

The concept Xi has touted is seen as marking a break from the stage of economic reform ushered in by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s and continued under his successors Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao.

In a sign of Xi’s greater clout, his name was attached to his theory, putting him on par with Deng and communist China’s founder, Mao Zedong.




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