‘Child’ filmed smoking at Turkish football match ‘is actually 36’

'Child' filmed smoking at Turkish football match 'is actually 36'
'Child' filmed smoking at Turkish football match 'is actually 36'

Video of a football fan smoking at a match in Turkey has sent Twitter into a spin, with local media reporting the fan is, in fact, a 36-year-old man.

The incident was spotted by viewers of the charity game, which took place during the international break, as the players warmed up.

The camera zoomed in on two young boys in green striped home shirts, one of whom was brazenly flouting the public smoking ban.

After the match – which Bursa won 2-1 – concerned parents began to share the clip across Twitter in a bid to uncover the identity of the “smoking boy”.

They succeeded – and, in a twist ending worthy of M Night Shyamalan, the smoker proved not to be a “boy” at all.

He was a 36-year-old man! Not only that, he was the father of the lad sat next to him.


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