Charges: On-duty detectives handcuffed woman, then raped her (Report)



Two New York City police detectives are accused of threatening an 18-year-old woman with arrest over a bottle of prescription pills, handcuffing her, driving her around and then raping her.

Acting Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez says the detectives, Eddie Martins and Richard Hall, were arraigned Monday on a 50-count indictment that includes kidnapping and rape counts.

The woman says the detectives assaulted her on Sept. 15 in their van while they were on duty. The prosecutor says DNA recovered from the woman matched both defendants.

Martins’ attorney, Mark Bederow, says there is no “credible evidence” that the teen “was forcibly raped.” Hall’s attorney did not immediate return a call for comment.

The president of the detectives’ union, Michael Palladino, says the officers are entitled to “a presumption of innocence.”




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