British coronavirus ‘superspreader’ may have infected, Report

British coronavirus 'superspreader' may have infected, Report
British coronavirus 'superspreader' may have infected, Report

A British man who has been diagnosed with coronavirus after attending a conference in Singapore has sparked concerns that he may be a “super spreader” of the illness.

A little more than 100 people attended the conference, and one participant was from Wuhan, the Chinese city where the outbreak of the new coronavirus, called 2019-nCoV, is thought to have originated. Officials believe the British man became infected with 2019-nCoV at the conference.

Not knowing he had contracted the virus, the man traveled from Singapore to a French ski resort, where he stayed with family from Jan. 24 to Jan. 28, The Guardian reported.

It was at this resort that the man likely spread the virus to 11 other contacts. These include five people who tested positive for the virus in France, four people who tested positive for the virus in the U.K. and one person who tested positive for the virus in Spain.

Given how many coronavirus cases are connected to the British man, he seems to be a superspreader, or someone who passes on a pathogen to an unusually large number of people. Previous studies have found that people infected with 2019-nCoV spread the virus to just two other people, on average.

The man is now hospitalized in London, according to The Guardian. Officials are continuing to track down people who had contact with the man, such as those who were on his returning flight to the U.K.


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