Bonkers TV show Bromans is the thing to fill the Love Island-shaped gap in your life (Report)



On the 24th of July 2017 we were witness to some of the most iconic television of the year, nay, the decade: the crowning of the Love Island 2017 champions.

Although the reality show has been about for a while, this year was when it got proper, proper good (even celebs were watching it, so it must have been excellent).

But as soon as Kem and Amber (or as they’re officially known, hashtag Kember) were announced victorious, we suddenly had to find something else to fill our time. Whereas before we could merrily cancel on friends and fob off event invites (as we needed to be home for nine every evening to catch up on the latest from the villa) suddenly we were found with all this extra space in our calendars.

And with our newfound freedom what were we to do? Hone our long-standing passion for pottery? Start training for that 10k Julie from HR made us register for? Actually interact with another human outside of the designated Love Island WhatsApp discussion group? Nah, obviously not, it was time to fine some more top quality TV to fill the gap.

And now, three months on, we may have found something to plug the Love Island shaped hole in our lives: it’s called Bromans, and it’s absolutely bonkers.

And yes we’re missing Iain Stirling’s completely excellent narration, and yes we’re sorely lacking a couple as iconic as Kem and Chris; but whilst we count down the days until the next season of Love Island, Bromans is the quick fix of trash TV needed to tide us over.

“But what is Bromans, I hear you cry! “And why is it so excellent?” well, dear reader, here’s the low down.

The show has sent eight “21st century lads” back to the Roman Empire, to see how they can hack it as gladiators. Living and fighting like gladiators, the boys are trained by Doctore (aka David McIntosh aka Tornado from TV series Gladiators) and are preparing themselves for the grand…




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