You can fight for animal rights by helping pass laws to fight animal cruelty

You can fight for animal rights by helping pass laws to fight animal cruelty
You can fight for animal rights by helping pass laws to fight animal cruelty

Single individuals as well as small and large groups from all over the United States are banning together to do what they can to help pass laws that protect our animals who cannot speak for themselves. All these people have one goal in mind; to protect animals from cruelty and exploitation.

Many people want to help, but they can even imagine where to begin. Some may think that they alone cannot make a difference and that there small amount of giving will not have any impact, but that is absolutely untrue. Every single person who puts forth effort on behalf of those four legged fur balls who cannot help themselves is doing something remarkable. That cannot be overlooked or forgotten.

It is possible for everyone to help, no matter how much time or how little time they have and the ASPCA can show how. Online social media and mobile technology have exploded. These are some of the best ways to advocate for stronger animal-protection laws to be put into place! It can be just as easy as posting in a group or on your own personal Facebook page or Twitter account.

The ASPCA has collected a top five list of tips for social-networking: E-Advocacy Guide This one sheet can be downloaded, printed and even distributed to others all over; especially to like-minded animal lovers!

The ASPCA stated this on their website:

Concerned that legislators and policymakers don’t take online advocacy seriously? In fact, the opposite is true: a recent survey of House and Senate staffers revealed that social media interactions are indeed viewed as authentic communication—and even just a few comments from constituents on platforms like Facebook and Twitter are enough to capture their attention.


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