Tango dancing can help patients with Parkinson’s disease

Tango dancing can help patients with Parkinson's disease
Tango dancing can help patients with Parkinson's disease

Sufferers of Parkinson’s disease are in for a pleasant surprise. It may be helpful for these patients to find some time to go tango dancing. McGill University reported, tango dancing may benefit Parkinson’s disease patients.

According to findings from a new study by researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital there could be possible benefits for people at various stages in the development of Parkinson’s disease from dancing the Argentine tango. The researchers looked at motor abilities of patients following a 12-week tango course. They also assessed the effect that tango has on symptoms of this disease.

The researchers investigated whether a social and physical activity which is associated with music, such as tango, could possibly have therapeutic value for patients with Parkinson’s disease. These patients generally suffer from motor dysfunctions including tremor, rigidity, and gait dysfunction as well as non-motor symptoms, such as depression, fatigue and cognitive degeneration.

This study has been published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine. The goal of the researchers was to determine effects of Argentine tango on the motor and non-motor manifestations seen in patients with Parkinson’s disease. It was concluded Argentine tango can improve balance and functional mobility in these patients. There may be modest benefits on cognition and fatigue in Parkinson’s disease patients.

This is very compelling research. Dr. Silvia Rios Romenets, who was the lead researcher in the study and who has a special interest in Parkinson’s disease and dance therapy, says there has been growing evidence that habitual physical activity is associated with a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease therefore suggesting a potential slowing of Parkinson’s disease progression.

It is really exciting to note that there is a connection between music and the dopamine systems located in the brain, which are vital for establishing and maintaining behavior. Therefore, mixing music with exercise in dance such as the tango can enhance accessibility, enjoyability, and motivation, as well as generate better mood and stimulate cognition. Furthermore, the social interaction and social support which are involved in tango have positive effects on mood and compliance.

This could also be some good news for victims of psychiatric drugging. The psychiatrists consistently prescribe neuroleptic drugs for what they claim are psychotic states and for schizophrenia. There are actually no biological markers for any of the psychiatric diagnoses, as reported upon by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, and the neuroleptics generally cause a Parkinson’s disease like syndrome which is very painful and debilitating. While struggling to survive the abusive interventions of psychiatrists the victims of psychiatric drugging should theoretically benefit from Argentine tango.


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