NHS: Booking your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination appointments

NHS: Booking your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination appointments
NHS: Booking your coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination appointments

While the whole of the NHS doubles down to urge everyone already invited to take up the offer, new invitations are now going out nationally to millions of people aged 50 to 54 in the latest stage of the programme, the biggest in NHS history and fastest in Europe.

How to book your appointments

When it is your turn to book your vaccination, visit NHS.UK

When you book, you will be asked for information including:

  • your name and date of birth
  • your NHS number – this is a 10 digit number you can find on any letter the NHS has sent you, for example, 485 777 3546

If you do not know your NHS number you can still book.

Please ensure that you book your appointments for both your first and second dose and press the save button to confirm.

Please use the NHS website first. If you cannot use the NHS website, you can phone 119 free of charge. You can ask someone else to do this for you if you prefer.

At times, the phone line might get very busy and this may mean waiting to speak to someone. The phone line is open from 7am to 11pm, 7 days a week. You may choose to ring later in the day when it is less busy. Interpreters will be available on request.

If you are able to use the vaccination centre and community pharmacy options, please do. Where the distance to travel makes this difficult for you, you will be able to have the vaccine at your local GP vaccination service. Please wait for your GP to contact you to make an appointment, if they haven’t already.

If you have difficulties communicating or hearing, or are a British Sign Language (BSL) user you can go online, use textphone 18001 119 or the NHS BSL interpreter service.

If you are housebound or are not able to travel to a vaccination centre, your local NHS services will be in touch to make arrangements.

The place that you choose to have your vaccine will keep you safe from COVID-19 through a range of measures including cleaning and disinfecting and having social distancing in waiting areas. Please also wear a face covering to your appointment.


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