Forced psychiatric drugging of kids is prohibited under a new law in New Mexico

Forced psychiatric drugging of kids is prohibited under a new law in New Mexico
Forced psychiatric drugging of kids is prohibited under a new law in New Mexico

In a groundbreaking move New Mexico has become the first state in the United States to protect children from forced psychiatric drugging. Health Impact News reported, in the first such law in the United States a new law in New Mexico prohibits the forced psychiatric drugging of children.

New Mexico lawmaker Nora Espinoza sponsored New Mexico House Bill 53 which came into law in 2015 which protects kids from forced psychiatric drugging. Under this law a parent’s decision not to administer psychotropic drugs to their child is not grounds for Child Protective Services to remove a child from custody by parents. School personnel are also restricted from taking any action against the parent or compelling or mandating that any student take a psychotropic drug under this law. Furthermore parental written consent is required prior to any psychological screening.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights has stated this is the strongest law which has been passed against childhood drugging ever passed in the United States. Other states are also now beginning to take action to place limits on mental health intrusions at home and at schools.

In Florida and Colorado laws have been passed which grant parents rights to refuse psychiatric testing/screening. Furthermore the refusal of a parent to consent to the administration of a psychiatric drug to their own child is now not a condition which can be used to prevent their child from attending school. Other states have been passing similar laws restricting the power of psychiatrists over children.

In a resolution that was delivered to Washington D.C.’s Department of Health Espinoza stated that she loved being a mother and that was a gift which was given to her by God. She went on to state that God did not give that gift to the government. She also stated that her passion comes from dismay that the government thinks it has the right to dictate to her and to take her rights away from her.

Scientology Newsroom reported Espinoza was successful in her fight to protect children from forced psychiatric drugging in New Mexico. She has led the legislative crusade aimed at saving the most vulnerable from the compulsory ingestion of dangerous substances which even parents were not able to prevent.

Espinoza has noted when children are over-medicated with drugs they will not be able to function normally when they are adults. Yet 9 out of 10 children who see a psychiatrist are prescribed medication. These children are being destroyed. Espinoza wants it understood that just because kids have a lot of energy that does not mean they are mentally ill.

The new law which Espinoza has had passed to protect children from psychiatric drugging in New Mexico is a monumental step in the right direction towards cracking down on the dangerous practices of psychiatrists. Yet sadly under this law it appears children can still be victimized by psychiatric tyranny if their parents consent to it.

What this means is that child psychiatry still represents a form of legalized child abuse but with some new restrictions on instituting such abuses. Misinformed and abusive parents can still work with the consistently incompetent and abusive psychiatrists to terrorize and ruin their own children. And than there also remains the tragic problem of adults also being ruined by psychiatric drugging secondary to being misinformed or forced to take these poisons.


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