Foods that help decrease symptoms of these five common ailments

Foods that help decrease symptoms of these five common ailments
Foods that help decrease symptoms of these five common ailments

Some common ailments many people suffer from on a daily basis are anxiety, arthritis, osteoporosis, eye problems and psoriasis. When someone has an affliction they start to pay closer attention to what they do physically, how they need to make adjustments to normal activities and usually become more health-conscious.


A person who suffers from anxiety needs to do what they can to help reduce the nervous tension affecting them. Foods containing magnesium and calcium are best to help reduce tension. If you have anxiety issues you should incorporate soy milk, almonds and bananas into your diet.


Those who have issues with arthritis suffer from various degrees of pain. Some pain is so severe it can be debilitating and cause deterioration within the joints of the body. If you suffer from arthritis you should try consuming more anti-inflammatory herbs into your diet. Chamomile and ginger are very good to help reduce some of the pain. Apples, cantaloupe, plain yogurt and honey also provide good health benefits.


Once of the most frequent risks when one is diagnosed with osteoporosis is fractures. The bones become weak and brittle causing fractures with little or no pressure. Foods that are rich in folic acids and B vitamins help to reduce the risk of reoccurring osteoporosis-related fractures. Try enjoying more apricots, pineapples and bananas to ease your symptoms.

Eye problems:

As a person ages there is a higher chance they will be diagnosed with eye problems. Although anyone at any age can find out they could be at risk for glaucoma, cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Fruits and vegetables and herbs rich in antioxidants can help decrease the severity of these conditions. Try adding some tofu, plain yogurt, blueberries, grapes and cranberry or raspberry juice with or between meals.


Psoriasis is a condition that is linked to and seems to get aggravated by stress. Stress is a hard condition to deal with and there isn’t any real known idea what actually causes psoriasis. To help relieve and lessen signs of psoriasis one should try burdock root which is a cleansing herb. The scaly, red parches of skin can be reduced by consuming more blueberries, cantaloupe, apricot nectar, apricots and carrot juices.

Fight back with foods you love to lessen your ailments!


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