Asthma symptoms can be improved with a psychological approach

Asthma symptoms can be improved with a psychological approach
Asthma symptoms can be improved with a psychological approach

Severe asthma can be a very debilitating and even life threatening. Research has shown input from a psychologist may help to improve symptoms of asthma reported the European Lung Foundation. According to this research psychological input dealing with the treatment and management of people suffering from severe asthma can help improve their symptoms.

The symptoms which people with severe asthma suffer from are often very hard to treat. There are debates in the healthcare community regarding what the best way to treat these people is. It has been estimated that about 27 percent of people suffering from severe asthma experience psychological problems. However, these psychological problems are not generally addressed by asthma healthcare professionals.

New research has suggested that severe asthma symptoms could improve when the psychological needs of the patients are addressed. Dr Andrew Tan, who is from the University Hospital Southampton, has said the results of this study can be seen as a primary factor in the current debate on how to best treat people suffering from severe asthma. By addressing psychological issues in asthma sufferers symptoms can be improved therefore improving the quality of life for the patient.

This study is very significant for asthma sufferers, particularly in view of how serious asthma can be. Although there is no actual cure for asthma symptoms sometimes are seen to improve over time reports PubMed Health. With proper self-management and medical intervention many people suffering from asthma can lead normal lives. However, the complications from asthma can be very severe and may include decreased ability to exercise, lack of sleep, persistent cough, trouble breathing, and even death. Adding a psychological approach to the treatment of asthma may help with these complications.


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