A natural plant chemical may prevent tooth decay

A natural plant chemical may prevent tooth decay
A natural plant chemical may prevent tooth decay

Everyone wants nice teeth. The concept that a natural plant chemical may help prevent tooth decay is therefore intriguing. The University of Edinburgh reported, a plant chemical may in fact prevent tooth decay.

Research has shown that oral care products which contain a natural chemical that stops bacteria from harming teeth may help fight tooth decay. This natural plant product acts against harmful mouth bacteria and could help to improve oral health via helping to prevent plaque from building up.

This chemical is know as trans-chalcone. It is related to chemicals which are found in liquorice root. This finding helps us to appreciate the potential that this class of natural products has in food and healthcare technologies. Trans-chalcone blocks the action of a key enzyme which allow bacteria to thrive in oral cavities.

Streptococcus mutans, which is a bacteria, metabolizes sugars from food and drink which produces a mild acid. This acid leads to the development of plaque. In the absence of good oral hygiene a combination of plaque and mouth acid can lead to the formation of tooth decay.

It has been found by researchers that via blocking the activity of the enzyme bacteria is prevented from forming a protective biological layer, which is known as a biofilm, around themselves. Plaque forms when bacteria attach themselves to teeth and than construct biofilms.

This study is published in Chemical Communications. It is the first study to show that trans-chalcone actually prevents bacteria forming biofilms. This study suggests that chalcone flavonoids have potential as oral biofilm inhibitors. This offers hope for a naturally healthy way to prevent your teeth from decaying.


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