UK: Prince Harry and William in throwback snap as royals celebrate armed forces charity | Royal | News



The two young royals appear relaxed even as teenagers chatting to injured army officers in the candid picture, which perhaps was one of the moments to inspire Prince Harry to work with injured armed forced and set up the Invictus Games for them.

The pair are both pictured in their Eton school uniform in the photo released on Twitter today.

The Royal Family Twitter account tweeted: “The facility will be a 21st Century successor to the current DNRC official centre at Headley Court, which has long been supported by The Royal Family.”

Photos of Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall visiting the centre were also shared.

Prince William is patron of the appeal which aims to create the purpose-built centre that will provide rehabilitation facilities for members of the Armed Forces.

Today the Duke of Westminster, Gerald Grosvenor, handed over the the gift of the centre to Theresa May who accepted it on behalf of the nation.

The Duke wanted a place where people who had been seriously injured serving their nation would feel cared for and get the best possible treatment.

The Duke of Cambridge read “One for the Team” by Debbie Lawson at the event.

The father-of-three said: “I have seen the growth of an idea transfer into what we see today – and it is a rare and immensely satisfying thing to have witnessed.”

He also praised a new £300 million armed forces trauma and rehabilitation centre during the ceremony.

The Prime Minister made a speech to thank everyone involved in bringing the centre to the nation which will provide world class rehabilitative facilities for our service men and women.

The Duke of Westminster said: “My father served in the Reserve Army for 40 years and knew first-hand the high price that soldiers, sailors and airmen can pay – he wanted to do something to help.

“Today, I am immensely proud to be handing over this hugely impressive new Defence facility made possible by his initiative and the tremendous support of others. I hope that the DNRC’s full potential can be realised and, if that happens, it will be a remarkable legacy.”



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