Meghan Markle won’t come ‘anywhere near’ Princess Diana for KEY reason | Royal | News (Details)



Darryn Lyons, who said that he owns photographs taken at the scene of the car crash that killed Princess Diana, claimed the new Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, would not come “anywhere near” Prince Harry’s mother.

Mr Lyons claimed Princess Diana was the “first pop-star Princess” and knew how to “manipulate” the media.

The photographer also claimed that Prince Harry’s new wife Meghan Markle has “aspirations” to be like the People’s Princess.

He said: “I was probably in one of the first ten people or five people in the world that actually knew what had happened.

“But, of course, we didn’t think what was going to happen, was going to happen. We just thought the Princess was concussed with a broken arm at the time.

“It will probably be remembered as one of the most momentous news events in history, since JFK.

“And she was a great lady, a great lady and she loved manipulating and using us guys, in the media. And she knew about the power of the media.”

Mr Lyons then suggested the Duchess of Sussex would not come close to Princess Diana.

He told talkRADIO: “She was the first pop-star Princess and there won’t be anyone that ever comes anywhere near her.

“I know we have recently had a Royal Wedding over here, and I think Meghan probably has aspirations, but I am sorry but I’m sorry I don’t think you’ll carry your boots to the game, I’m afraid.”

Princess Diana died in the early hours of August 31, 1997 when her Mercedes S280 limo crashed at speed in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris.

Diana’s boyfriend Dodi al Fayed and their driver were pronounced dead at the scene, while the former Princess of Wales was taken to Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, where she died hours later.



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