Meghan Markle pregnancy: Could Prince Harry and Meghan Markle end up having TWINS? | Royal | News (Details)



The Duchess of Sussex is 36 years old, and women of this age are perhaps more likely to have pregnancies of multiple children for two reasons.

Helen Turier of the Twins and Multiple Births Association told the Sun: “Older women – so women in their later thirties or early forties – are more likely to hyper-ovulate.

“This means they’re more likely to release two eggs or more per cycle than younger women.

“It’s believed that’s why there’s a higher incidence of multiple birth babies in older women.”

The possibility of IVF – which is more common in older mothers – could also lead to a twin pregnancy.

Ms Turier added: “If you have one fertilised embryo put back, in some cases, that can split into two identical monochorionic, monozygotic twins, which is why you can have one embryo put back and end up with twins.”

Before the Royal Wedding in May, it was widely reported that the couple wanted to start a family as soon as possible.

When they were interviewed on the day of their engagement announcement, Prince Harry made it clear that children were certainly on their mind.

He told the BBC: “One step at a time.

“Hopefully we’ll start a family in the near future.”

However, on their recent trip to Ireland, Harry also gave another hint about the possibility – and number – of children that may be in their future.

During their time in Dublin, one well-wisher joked that the couple should follow her example and have five children.

According to Hello magazine, Elaine Adam -Stewart told the Duke: “My husband also has red hair and he gave me five children.

“When are you and Meghan going to get going?”

Harry quickly joked: “Five children? Too many.”



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