42-year old Texas father fights to save his leg from flesh...
A Texas man is fighting to save his leg after becoming infected by flesh eating bacteria while on a Father’s Day trip to the beach in Port Anneas,...
Scientists identify novel cellular process that help us understand the mechanisms...
The study of autophagy – the recycling and repair process within cells – has huge potential to aid in fighting the ageing process, bacterial and viral infections and...
Divorce does not have to be devastating for children if parents...
There are many articles written on “Should I stay married for the children” or “What is an appropriate age for children whose parents want a divorce?”
One fact that...
Researchers create a labor-saving automated method for studying electronic health records
In an article published in the journal Patterns, scientists at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai described the creation of a new, automated, artificial intelligence-based algorithm...
Research of twins shows it’s genetics that controls abnormal development
Yale researchers have shown that developmental abnormalities, including those that lead to pregnancy loss and autism, are controlled by the genetics of the fetus and placenta — and...
New research uses plankton genomes as global biosensors of ocean ecosystem...
By analyzing gains and losses in the genes of phytoplankton samples collected in all major ocean regions, researchers at the University of California, Irvine have created the most...
Anti-parasitic drug may protect against lung cell fusion induced by SARS-CoV-2...
A drug that is commonly used to treat tapeworm infections might help to prevent the formation of atypical fused cells in the lungs of patients with COVID-19, according...
Walgreens Covid Vaccine Registration: Donate a ride to someone in need
Today, PayPal Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: PYPL), Uber Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: UBER) and Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (NASDAQ: WBA) launched their new Vaccine Access Fund that allows customers to...
Ancient atmospheric oxygen sleuthing with ocean chromium (Study)
Found in jewelry, car parts, pigments, and industrial chemical reactions, the metal chromium and its compounds are often employed for their color, finish, and anti-corrosive and catalytic properties....
Research finds airborne release of toxin from algal scum
A dangerous toxin has been witnessed - for the first time - releasing into the air from pond scum, research published in the peer-reviewed journal Lake and Reservoir...