Homework trouble, anxiety, and anger may signal medical problems in kids
Parents are usually quick to notice physical symptoms of illness in their kids, but may not connect their children’s anxiety or temper tantrums with possible medical problems, says...
Short periods of exercise may offset the effects of inactivity on...
Children who take short walks during sedentary periods can lower their blood sugar and fats, and insulin, says a study by the National Institute of Health. The study...
Naturally detox your armpits in a weekend before switching to natural...
In increasing numbers, smart shoppers are waking up to the fact that many of the products we've used for our whole lives are filled with dangerous, even carcinogenic...
Children today have worse health than previous generations, say many US...
More than half of American adults believe that children have worse mental health, have less quality family time, and are more stressed than past generations. The nationally representative...
New study of dog’s ability to sniff low diabetes levels could...
Researchers at Cambridge University in the UK are exploring whether the detection of a certain chemical in a type 1 diabetes patients' breath can warn patients when they...
Social and emotional readiness for kindergarten key to future academic success
Knowing the alphabet and how to count are not as important as indicators of readiness for kindergarten as a child’s social and emotional development, reports a new study...
Alter Eco Foods and Bare Snacks are heart healthy food and...
Committed to a healthier lifestyle means adding exercise, positive attitude changes, healthy food choices, and surrounding yourself with beautiful things. When you feel better you can make better...
A positive attitude and long life go hand and hand
We all know quite a few people that have gone through cancer, a life-threatening accident, dealt with a very sick child, or living with heart related issues. Isn't...
Report: The physiological causes of depression
The following is a look at the physiological causes of depression with the help of Mark Rose. The exact causes of clinical depression are unknown. Earlier neurobiological studies...
Active surveillance for prostate cancer falling short of the mark
Active surveillance is an option for many men with low-risk prostate cancer. It involves closely monitoring the cancer, rather than aggressive treatment; thus, it avoids the devastating potential...