Royal news: Princess Christina retiring from official duties on her 75th birthday | Royal | News (Details)



The Princess made the announcement in an interview with Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter, adding she plans to retire on her special birthday on Friday.

She said: ”I have realised life is not infinite.

“I don’t want to be tied down by a lot of things in the future but enjoy what I have and those I have around me.”

Princess Christina added: ”We were not so many in the early 1970s when both my mother and my grandfather died. Then it was just the piece of my brother and me.

“So there was not much else to do than to jump in and take care of what needed to be done.”

Princess Christina isn’t the only Royal Family member to retire from official duties recently, with Prince Philip doing the same in May 2017.

Her announcement comes after she was diagnosed with chronic leukaemia in 2016, forcing her to cut back on her duties.

The initial treatment failed before she had a stem cell transplant last year, which proved successful.

In 2010, the Princess revealed that she had undergone treatment for breast cancer, and after three surgeries, beat the potentially killer disease.

Following this, she has spent a lot of time attempting to raise awareness of cancer issues.

She has also actively supported other causes, including the Red Cross, and was previously head of its organisation Noah’s Ark, which was established to prevent HIV and AIDs spreading in Sweden.

Princess Christina, also known as Christina Magnuson, was born on August 3, 19434 at Haga Palace in Solna. Sweden, and is the youngest of four daughters of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld.

She married Tord Gösta Magnuson in 1974 at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm Palace, and they have three sons: Carl Gustaf Victor, Tord Oscar Frederik and Victor Edmund Lennart.

But Princess Christina lost her title as Royal Highness following her marriage as the Swedish constitution at the time required Princesses to lose their title and place in the line of succession if they married someone of unequal social rank.

She later received the courtesy title of Princess Christina, Mrs Magnuson, from the King.



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