Meghan Markle must follow a BEDTIME RULE when she STAYS with the QUEEN | Royal | News (Details)



Meghan Markle, under the watchful eye of a senior palace aide, has been undergoing rigorous royal training.

In the past two months, Meghan, 36 ,has learned that when dining with the Queen, she must stop eating dinner when Her Majesty does, remain neutral in her political stance and adhere to formal greetings in the presence of the Queen and other senior royals.

But another tradition she must adhere to at Buckingham Palace has extended her bedtime.

Sir William Heseltine, a private secretary to the Queen, revealed that members of the Royal Family must wait until the Queen herself as retired to bed.

In an interview included in The Royals in Australia, Mr Heseltine says it is considered “bad form” to go to bed before Her Majesty.

And according to Sir William, the royal protocol was something Princess Diana struggled with.

He said “For Diana the long royal evenings were agony.

“There’d be an hour or so in the sitting room of everyone sitting around making conversation, and nobody felt it right to go to bed before the Queen did.

“And Diana was driven to such extremes that she’d excuse herself and go to bed, which was thought to be rather bad form, going to bed before the Queen.”

In June, Twitter users claimed Meghan had breached royal protocol after an Irish politician suggested the 36-year-old was pleased with Ireland’s abortion referendum result.

Following the furore, the senator deleted the tweet.

According to the UK Parliament website: “Although not prohibited by law, it is considered unconstitutional for the Monarch to vote in an election.”

The rest of the Royal Family follows the Queen’s lead to be politically neutral.



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