Stereophonics reveal the inspiration behind ‘All In One Night’ (Report)



Stereophonics have revealed the inspiration behind their latest single ‘All In One Night’. Watch our ‘Song Stories’ video interview with the band above.

The track was the lead single to launch the Welsh veterans’ 10th album, ‘Scream Above The Sounds’. However while talking to NME about the song’s creation, frontman Kelly Jones said that at first he “thought it was a bit daft because it kept telling people the time all the fucking time” through the lyrics in each verse. It first came to be while the band were touring Shanghai when a flight was delayed, before inspiration hit them while laying over in a hotel. What followed was a ‘simple’ and ‘filmic’ anthem, inspired by the ‘Drive’ soundtrack.

“I was in this hotel and it was basically an idea I had after watching this German film called ‘Victoria’, which is about this girl who goes into a nightclub and ends up hooking up with these three guys,” Jones told NME. “Her life completely changes over the course of one night. It ends up like a heist movie, and it’s all in one shot.”

He continued: “I thought the idea of two people meeting and their life completely changing over the course of one night was quite an interesting idea.”

Watch above as the band also discuss the ‘Wonder Woman’ inspired video – made using the novel technique of tying a phone to a hospital trolley.

Stereophonics, 2017

Stereophonics, 2017

Stereophonics also spoke to us about paying no mind to the notion of celebrating the 20th anniversary of their landmark debut ‘Word Gets Around’, looking ahead to the future instead with their ‘escapist’ new album ‘Scream Above The Sounds’. Jones said it was more of a personal than political album, looking to find life away from the constant ‘noise of controversy’ in the news.

“I’ve always written from a guy on the street’s point of view,” Jones told NME




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