Democratic group pulls ad targeting Virginia governor hopeful Ed Gillespie's supporters (Report)



A television ad depicting supporters of Virginia governor hopeful Ed Gillespie as Confederates who attack minority children has been pulled in the wake of the terror attack in New York City.

The Democratic group Latino Victory Fund removed the controversial ad, which showed a pickup truck driver chasing down minority children, on Tuesday, Oct. 31.

“We knew our ad would ruffle feathers. We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see. We have decided to pull our ad at this time,” said Cristobal J. Alex, President of the LVF, in a statement on Twitter Tuesday evening.

“Given recent events, we will be placing other powerful ads into rotation that highlight the reasons we need to elect progressive leaders in Virginia.”

The statement was released just hours after investigators said the suspected driver, identified as 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov,…




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