Debunking male health myths

Debunking male health myths
Debunking male health myths

Today we will focus on male health. Many myths and half truths about men have been widely circulated. This article will examine these myths.

Myths and half truths about male health

One common myth seems to be that men will become bald if they wear a hat, kippah, or blow dry their hair. This claim has not proven to be true. Men loss hair, because the hair follicle becomes shorter and finer and eventually stops growing.

Myth 2

Many men support a beard these days; however, the myth of shaving more to bring in a thicker beard is false. Shaving does not change the follicle size or shape. The beard may look courser or finer; but, that has to do the follicle itself and not the shaving frequency.

Myth 3

Another myth is that wearing briefs can lower lower male sperm count. Scientists maintain that even though temperatures can affect the sperm there is no solid evidence to indicate that wearing briefs make a significant difference in sperm count.

Myth 4

The unfounded myth that has been circulating for quite sometime is that the bigger the shoe size the bigger the penis. There is no research available that can support this claim.

Myth 5

How about the myth or claim that men reach their sexual peak at 18? There is some truth to this myth. Testosterone levels peak at 18; however, this does not affect sexual performance.

Myth 6

Is the myth that a man can break his penis true? Yes, it is. The penis does not have a bone. but you can “tear the tunica albuginea, which is a fibrous sheath that is stretched during an erection. This is called a “penile fracture,” and it most commonly occurs during sexual activity. Treatment most often involves surgery. Fortunately, penile fractures are rare.”

Myth 7

The popular expression “no pain, no gain” has been widely used in the fitness industry; but this too is a myth. Working out until you feel pain or forcing yourself to go beyond the point of pain may cause serious injury. It is best to consult a fitness trainer or other professional in the fitness industry.

Myth 8

The next myth to examine is that only women can get breast cancer. Research has shown that men do get breast cancer. It is rare but it does happen. The current research denotes that one in 1,000 men will contract breast cancer due to age, history of breast cancer in the family and genetic factors such as “high estrogen levels, chronic liver disorders, alcoholism, and obesity.”

Myth 9

Even though osteoporosis is commonly associated with older women, the myth that men do not contract this disease is questionable. Men are less at risk for this disease because their bones are heavier than women’s. However, they are not immune to contracting osteoporosis. Risk factors for osteoporosis include advancing age, alcohol abuse, low levels of testosterone, gastrointestinal disease, smoking, use of steroid medications, and lack of movement.

Myth 10

Another popular myth concerning men is that drinking too much beer can cause a beer belly. This myth is true, not because you are drinking beer or because it seemDebus to show in the belly but because beer is loaded with calories and like anything else, too many calories lead to weight gain.

Myth 11

Finally, the last myth to be examined, is that lately we have been hearing a lot about grilled meats causing cancer. Research indicates that that is indeed true. The two cancers which are are associated with grilling meats are “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs) associated with dripping fat and juices and “heterocyclic amines, HCAs is formed when high temperatures cause a chemical reaction between naturally occurring amino acids and sugars in the meat and the creatine found in muscle tissue.”


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