Ashley Judd reveals how she managed to escape Harvey Weinstein’s sexual advances (Report)



‘Kiss The Girls’ actress was one of the first to make claims against the Hollywood mogul

Ashley Judd has opened up about her sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein.

The actress previously claimed that Weinstein invited her to a business breakfast meeting two decades ago only to have her sent to his hotel room.

Weinstein greeted her in a bathroom robe, Judd claims, proceeding to ask her to give him a massage and proposing that she watch him shower.

Now, speaking about the incident in an interview with Good Morning America, which you can watch below, she said: “I had no warning. That’s his pattern of sexual predation. That’s how he rolled.

“He kept coming back at me and finally I just said: ‘When I win an Oscar in one of your movies, okay?’ And he said: ‘Yeah when you get nominated’. And I said: ‘No. When I win an Oscar!’ And I just fled.”

Judd added: “Am I proud of that? I’m of two minds. The proud that shames myself says ‘no’. The part of me that understands the way shame works says: ‘That was absolutely brilliant!’. Good job kid, you got out of there – well done.”

During the interview, the actress was shown a photo of her and Weinstein at an Oscar party in the 1990s, not long after the incident in the hotel.

Weinstein’s team said the image proved that he and Judd were on friendly terms after the incident.

“No, that’s deny, attack, reverse the order of offender and victim,” she added.

In another photo from that same Oscar party, Weinstein is pictured holding Judd’s hand, though in that image, her face expresses discomfort.

“I hoped I didn’t pass him, but I did, and he obviously grabbed my hand,” Judd recalled of the moment that photo was taken in the ’90s. “The look on my face is abject terror. I can see it in my eyes…It’s very gross. It’s very gross. I feel for that 28- or 29-year-old…




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