Corey Feldman launches project to ‘expose’ Hollywood paedophile ring (Report)



The ‘Lost Boys’ actor appears to be following up on claims he first made in his 2013 memoir ‘Coreyography’

Corey Feldman has announced his intention to ‘expose’ a Hollywood paedophile ring through his new ‘TRUTH’ campaign.

Feldman has previously claimed that he was abused during the early years of his career, alleging in his 2013 memoir Coreyography that he and his co-star Corey Haim were sexually assaulted by men in the film industry.

The Lost Boys star published a YouTube video yesterday (October 25) to launch the new project. In the video, Feldman told his followers that he wanted to document his experiences in a new film, saying that the ‘TRUTH’ campaign will be “most honest and true depiction of child abuse ever portrayed”.

“I told everybody a few days ago that I had a plan to hopefully bring to light what is happening in the world of entertainment as far as perverts and paedophiles and all the topics we’ve been discussing,” Feldman said.

“Right off the bat, I can name six names, one of them who is still very powerful today,” he added. “And a story that links all the way up to a studio. It connects paedophilia to one of the major studios.”

Feldman has asked his fans for donations to the project, with the Indiegogo campaign aiming to reach $10 million – in order to pay for a legal team and security for him and his family, as well as the funding of the aforementioned film.

Earlier this week, Feldman called his recent arrest for a drug-related misdemeanour a “good ol’ shakedown”.




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