What would Kurt Cobain have thought of Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein? (Report)



Director Brett Morgen tells us: ‘He is needed now – his response would have been brutal’

Brett Morgen, director of acclaimed Kurt Cobain documentary ‘Montage Of Heck‘, has spoken out to declare that ‘the world needs’ the late Nirvana frontman in the wake of Donald Trump’s Presidency and Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault claims.

Morgen has said that what Cobain stood for was the very antithesis of Trump and Weinstein, and that his response to modern conservatism and sexism within the entertainment industry would be ‘brutal’ if he were alive today.

“We know what Kurt would think of Donald Trump,” Morgen told NME. “I mean he’d be doing what Eminem just did.

“I mean Harvey Weinstein, Kurt has become a flag for subversion and misfits and the anti-capitalist, but that’s Kurt. I love that he has this space in our culture and society for this. He is needed now and I don’t know musically who’s leading the charge against Trump, whereas I can imagine if he was, it would be brutal. If he was still here with us. Trump was a product of the ’80s.”

He continued: “I mean he did [lead the charge against Trump], at the time he was one of the most vocal rockstars against sexism in the industry and a lot of the ills that were happening. He did fucking benefits to protest the rapes in Bosnia, he was very politically minded and was always on the side of righteousness.”

Shamed movie producer Weinstein is currently under investigation after being accused of multiple counts of rape and sexual harassment.

This comes after Trump’s daughter Ivanka said that she ‘had a punk phase’ and cried when Cobain died.

“During my punk phase in the nineties, I was really into Nirvana,” SHE SAID. My wardrobe consisted of ripped corduroy jeans and flannel shirts.”

“One day after school, I dyed my hair blue,” she adds, saying: “Mom wasn’t a fan of this…




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