Polish metal band Decapitated plead not guilty to gang rape of fan (Report)



Members of Polish metal band Decapitated have all pleaded not guilty to charges of raping and kidnapping a female fan.

Rafal Piotrowski, Hubert Wiecek, Waclaw Kieltyka and Michal Lysejko are accused of raping an unnamed woman and holding her against her will on their tour bus after a show at the Pin in Spokane, Washington state on August 31.

In a statement issued earlier this month, the band denied the allegations, writing: “We’d like to emphasise; the Spokane Police Department has pressed charges as procedural formality, without doing so, they would be forced to release band – this is not a conviction or any indication of guilt or innocence.”

Associated Press now reports that the band’s four members each entered not guilty pleas in court on Tuesday (October 24), saying little other than their pleas. The members are jailed on $100,000 bail each.

Polish band gang rape

In their earlier statement, the band said: “Once again, we ask that everyone wait for each party’s case to be presented and await the court’s decision. With that said, whilst cases are being prepared on both sides”. The statement also claimed “some facts are indisputable at this point” and that “the original officer who took the complaint from the accuser stated, ‘I do not have probable cause that a rape occurred’… The band firmly refutes the allegations and are confident that once the facts and evidence have been seen and heard, they will be released and able to return home.”

According to court documents, Decapitated members Michal Lysejko, Waclaw Kieltyka, Rafal Piotrowski and Hubert Wiecek are accused of inviting the woman and a friend on their tour bus after the show. While on the bus, the woman says she groped by Lysejko and was then followed into the bathroom by lead singer Piotrowski.

The court documents say the woman “attempted to push Piotrowski away but he grabbed her arm and…




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