Conservative Senate candidates are ready to take on the Establishment in 2018 (Report)



There’s been a lot of talk recently about the 2018 U.S. Senate midterms and Americans who prefer conservative Washington outsiders as candidates have much to be happy about.  Since the American people elected the ultimate political outsider Donald Trump as president of the United States in 2016, establishment Republicans in Washington have done little to convince these voters that they got the message.  The status quo in Washington is still failing, the president’s agenda is stalled, and that is emboldening anti-establishment conservatives to run for the U.S. Senate. 

It’s a simple equation.  If Congress passed some of the big ticket items that they promised, there would be less oxygen for challengers.  That being said, principled Washington outsiders are lining up to either take out liberal Democrats up for re-election in states that Donald Trump carried, primary RINO Republican Senators like Jeff Flake, or run for open seats.

My organization Citizens United Political Victory Fund has been involved in midterm elections such as these for a long time.  We take them seriously.   We’ve had some great success stories, and we’ve learned from our mistakes in the races…




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