Louis Vuitton purchases world’s second-biggest diamond, Report

Louis Vuitton purchases world's second-biggest diamond, Report
Louis Vuitton purchases world's second-biggest diamond, Report

Louis Vuitton has purchased the world’s second-largest diamond, a 1,758-carat gem known as the Sewelo diamond.

The Sewelô diamond, which was found in Botswana in April 2019, clocks in at 1,758 carats, second only to the legendary Cullinan diamond.

In partnership with HB, a Antwerp-based diamond manufactuter, Louis Vuitton will manufacture jewellery from the stone.

Lucara will receive an up front non-material payment for the Sewelô and retain a 50 per cent interest in the individual polished diamonds that result.

In addition, five per cent of all of the retail sales proceeds generated from this historic collection will be invested directly back into Botswana on community-based initiatives undertaken by Lucara.

Lucara’s chief executive Eira Thomas said: “We are delighted to be partnering with Louis Vuitton, the famous luxury House, to transform the historic Sewelô, Botswana’s largest diamond, into a collection of fine jewellery that will commemorate this extraordinary discovery and contribute direct benefits to our local communities of interest in Botswana.”


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