The 2017 band reunions you didn’t notice had happened (Report)



In terms of triumphant comebacks, save for the sudden rise in Jeremy Corbyn’s popularity, 2017 has been short of standout moments. Arty, cash-burning provocateurs The KLF decided to come back, although they’ve yet to release any new music. Pop purists had plenty to enjoy with the return of Steps and Bananarama. But in terms of game-changing bands deciding to give it another go, there’s been little to write home about. Or in the case of the below, some bands who’d been entirely erased from the collective conscience opted for a reunion. Why are they back? What are they doing here? Will they go away again? All important questions raised by these bands:

Towers of London

Who? Short-lived pin-ups of shabby-haired, skinny-jeaned Shoreditch rock ‘n roll. Frontman Donny Tourette lasted just 48 hours in the Celebrity Big Brother house – his finest moment.

When did they split? They didn’t officially split, but things went quiet in 2009 after they cancelled a series of shows.

Why are they back? They’re releasing comeback single ‘Shot in the Dark’ – a title which doubles as an apt descriptor for their ‘Fuck it, why not?’ approach to this reunion. Two comeback shows are scheduled in Manchester and London. A quick browse of the Facebook comments suggests there hasn’t been a surge in excitement. “I always thought they were a joke band, like Spinal Tap,” reads one.  

The Dead 60s

Who? For a brief moment in the midst of landfill indie, ragged ska punk became cool again. These Liverpool lads shortly rode the scene’s coattails, releasing a decent self-titled debut album in 2005, but demand fell short soon after.

When did they split? In 2008, shortly after releasing poorly-received second album ‘Time To Take Sides’, which should have been called ‘Time to Part Ways’.

Why are they back? Technically, they’re not. After announcing their…




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